I'm a big fan of the book "The 4hour work week" and the concept of outsourcing and virtual assistants.
I've documented my work with virtual assistants so far here: http://www.outsourcedmylife.com/
I need help. I manage a lot of sites and communities / forums. I find that I'm all over the place doing a million things, but I can't find enough consistency in what I do to offload much more than basic email management.
Anybody outsourcing and/or using a virtual assistant? Any advice on what you do or would give a virtual assistant to do? Keep in mind, I'm talking about college graduates that are smart, but not trained in a specific skill or area, so no website design, SEO, etc. Think more along the lines of personal administrative assistant.
So, let the brainstorming begin. What would you do if you had someone 20 - 40 hours a week?