Thanks for your post!! very useful tips!!
Thanks for your post!! very useful tips!!
number 6 says fresh content is key, would you say adding a new page once a month to a site could be considered fresh content? and if not then how much?
thanks for the advice
This is a good summary.
thanks for your tips. your views is very important for good search engine ranking. thanks
dear Chris
Hai chris let me take this opportunity to appreciate for your uesfull tips regarding SEO.
Thank you one & all.....
thanks for sharing your views.
its a great and informative post and in addition you have to choose the directory you are submitting to, at least pr 3 and higher. just launched and i've noticed a ton of spiders from various search engines. Even the same ones repeatedly over the course of a couple hours. Is this a good thing, or does it mean the engines are having trouble reading my content or something?
Dr. Anklesnap
Hi everyone. this is my first post on this forum and would appreciate some straight forward guidance
I have recently created a website for a small sailing association that I am a member of ( Despite registering the site with Google, Yahoo and MSN I find that when searching for the site it does not appear, even if searching for 'newbridge-nava'
Chris (on this forum) has suggested replacing a graphics menu with a test menu but i am not sure what he means. Can anyone explain and make a few easy suggestions of what I can try to get our website to appear in the search results.
Your website has a text menu already
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Nice! This post is great and informative and also very useful tips.
Thanks for sharing your thought with us.
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Last edited by Marshal; 04-23-2011 at 12:34 PM.
what about blogs? how does search engines read blogs? if i get to have fresh contents, will the search engines focus only on new contents?
Very good article, however I believe there is one problem. You say that you should put your navigation menu after the content. Well I think that it is more important that google finds my menu, and indexes more of my pages, then it is that they find the content on one page and stop indexing before they get to the menu, or just pay less attention to it.
very nice & really helpful info.... thanks a ton
Thank you very much Chris for this valuable info.I am going to go to work with your ideas here.God bless you.
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