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Thread: sciatic pain / back pain if you sit alot you should read this...

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    sciatic pain / back pain if you sit alot you should read this...

    This is all from first hand experience and i would recommend seeing a chiropractor to immediately aid in recovering from this injury.

    I do alot of sitting since my job is working online. After years and years of sitting one day on july 4th i manage to lift something heavy and the day after i felt a huge pain down my left hamstring and shooting pain out of my back. Thinking it was going away i didnt worry about it much i thought it was just sore.

    I was stupid and i didnt go see a doctor or chiropractor for like 2 weeks or so thinking it would go away. After that i went on a trip to vegas for 2 weeks and came back home and realize man this pain is unbearable its time to go see a chiropractor to see whats wrong.

    Im unsure of the actual term but i misaligned my back somehow which can occur anytime even bending down to tie your shoelaces. Than it was squeezing on my nerve causing a huge pain in my hamstring. Also i had a muscle knot of some sort in my hamstring if anybody has ever had that you know how it feels.

    What the chiropractor did was they massaged my knot out. From what i saw it looked like all the chiropractor did for me was try to make the pain bearable so i can get back to everyday daily functions. I had numerous visits for two months and i didnt get much results. According to my chiropractor which is my friend's friend it wasnt serious.

    We are talking about a serious pain i literally could not sit in a car without any cushions such as cars with sport seats. 2 minutes and i would wanna just cut my leg off. I did this for a month or so maybe 2. It just didnt go away so what i did was went online for some options i had no choice since my chiropractor visits showed very little results.

    Here are my tips as far how to heal from this process quickly

    Stretch: You want to stretch that hamstring muscle you will have to be creative here. Message me if you need with this ill try to find diagrams since this is hard to explain. I found alot of stretches online that helped more than what my chiropractor recommended

    Water: Drink lots of water supposely it keeps your nerves or something hydrated preventing things such as this.

    Light Excercising: Walking helps alot low impact stuff make sure you dont go at it to hard.

    Its really hard to know how much something like this could effect your life. After not being able to really do anything for the last couple months i realize i take alot of things in life forgranted. Ive read alot of threads and i hear quotes such as " i forgot how it felt not to feel pain" " its been 5 years and i just cant stand it "

    As far as finding a chair that is suitable for helping your back and sciatic nerve recover i recommend using this

    it might be funny but its true thats what alot of people use who are rehabilitating. My chiropractor recommended this and i will most likely make this my permanent computer chair since its only 15 bucks compared to the 600 commercial office chairs.

    I will most likely build a site about sciatic nerve pain just because i feel for these people who have gone through what i have and probally worst.

    if you have any questions feel free to ask or if u would like to add something please go ahead.

  2. #2
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    Why didn't you see a doctor? Seriously. Some Chiropactor's are alright, but others thing they can cure everything from the flu to cancer with spinal adjustments.

    I hurt my back lifting some heavy luggage a couple years ago, it was a sharp intense stabbing pain in my lumbar region, the next day I couldn't get of bed. My Dad is a doctor so I asked him, he said try a Chiropractor. I did, the guy cracked my back and said the next day I'll be 90% better. I was.

    In July I hurt my back again, it was roughly the same area but it wasn't as sharp or debilitating, constant and annoying if nothing else. I went to the same guy, he cracked my back and said the next day I'll be 90% better. I was 0% better the next day.

    I figured the guy says this to all his patients so that when he's right he looks good and when he's wrong, well, if he didn't help them its not like there were going to come back anyways.

    Turns out I have a sprain of my right SI joint (where the back connects to the pelvis).

    Anyways... I know radiating leg pain from a back injury is often a sign of a herniated disk, which is really bad. I wouldn't trust a Chiropactor to diagnose that.

    I would go and see a DO (doctor of osteopathy) they're basically the same as MDs, they take the same classes (literally the same, my wife is in DO school and they mix the DOs and MDs together alot). But they also learn to do what Chiropractor's do. So a DO can crack your back if thats the best solution, but if not they have other treatment options they can use.
    Chris Beasley - My Guide to Building a Successful Website[size=1]
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I haven't had any back pains since I got a good chair and started exercising regularly again.

  4. #4
    Registered Member moonshield's Avatar
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    ^ a good chair makes a world of difference.

  5. #5
    Website Developer
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    You should be taking breaks every 40 minutes minimum.
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  6. #6
    Registered Hylo's Avatar
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    I get a lot of back pain for a couple of reasons, mainly because I've been in three car accidents in less than two years (none of them my fault by the way, the last of which was only a couple of weeks ago) and I'm also sitting a lot all day either driving to work and back home (an hour each way in traffic) and all day in work plus working on the computer when I get home at night.

    As for taking breaks every forty minutes Cutter, I would if I was still self employed but my boss would take a hell of a look at me if I got up for a five minute break every half hour or so, the joys of working for someone else to pay your mortgage :-(

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  7. #7
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    unbearable pain in my hips

    I’m a 46 years old with unbearable pain in my hips all the way down to the calves of my legs. It is so painful it hurts to walk, sit or even when I lay down. The pain is always there. I mean it hurts to the bone. I am on pills. I noticed the pain when I got off the pills, thought it was from not taking them, than when I started taking them again I still have the pain? What is going on here? Should I visit to doctor immediately?

  8. #8
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    East Lansing, MI USA
    Hmm, how about yes.
    Chris Beasley - My Guide to Building a Successful Website[size=1]
    Content Sites: ABCDFGHIJKLMNOP|Forums: ABCD EF|Ecommerce: Swords Knives

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Hmm, how about yes.
    You mean posting this question on the internet isn't the fastest way to recovery???

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