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Thread: Resume help -

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Resume help -

    I've been web developing for 5 years now and i miss social interaction, i believe its time to get a job at least temporarily till things are more stable. Ive recently moved home and now my expenses will be double next year. I have most of my web development all outsourced now and on autopilot that involves not as much time as it use to. I feel as if i have alot of free time during the day and keeping myself busy actually makes me more productive.

    I been working on my resume and im unsure what i should put down for job experience?

    What should i put under as a company name because i am self employed?

    As far as job description i believe all the following below would describe what i do

    project manager?
    internet marketer?
    web developer?

    I know i will get hammered with the question why i decided to get a job again if i been self employed for so long. any help on how to respond to this would be great.

    Thank You in advance.

  2. #2
    Registered Mike's Avatar
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by s2kinteg916 View Post
    I know i will get hammered with the question why i decided to get a job again if i been self employed for so long. any help on how to respond to this would be great.
    Well you answered this yourself. You want more social interaction, which isn't a bad thing at all and your interviewer should completely understand and not question it.
    Don't you just love free internet games ?


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