View Full Version : Please Help!

05-10-2008, 11:54 AM
Dear All,

I currently have a website which is run on an admin.php set up and I am looking to change my website to an "Allwebco volvo template" using front page.

However I am paranoid that my existing website (currently ranked a 3 by google - not sure if this is relevant or important) will be lost in the search engines if I change over to a front page set up. I will continue to use the same url address and will transfer all the same metatags over but how will changing my site over affect my search engine optimisation because I can be found in position 1 for most of the relevant search terms relating to my business.

I'm not sure if the above has been explained properly but I would really appreciate any feedback ASAP as I am considering starting on my new site in the next week or so...

Best Regards

08-11-2008, 08:46 PM
be careful with it, you must ensure that url, content, metagtags and back link are remain when you convert. avoid change the extension also like from .php to .html, they are two different pages and you have to start from the beginning of your seo efforts.