View Full Version : Extract all links of all pages in a website

01-21-2004, 07:19 AM
Hi guys,

I am forwarding you the same message I have sent to Westech, please let em know if you could help me.


I work with translations services and sometimes I need to extract all pages from a website in order to provide clients a quote based on word amount. I have used these "Website mappers" but it doesn't work, it extracts only the main page, so I have to access the others page one by one.

According to what I have read about it that is because top menus in most new sites contain in a flash file (.swf) and spider programs can not process flash binary files also complex java scripts, java applet, cookies. etc...

I don't have an especific web site to extract the links because a new client brings a new website.

Also some people told me that it is very, very difficult to be done and I won't find a software in the meanwhile.

My website is an example www.terralingua.com.br

Please let me know if you know a software that could do it.


Porto Alegre - R.S/Brazil

01-21-2004, 09:08 AM
Sorry, I don't know of any software that can follow flash links.

I'm curious as to why you picked me to send a private message about this, since I'm sure that many of the other users here have more knowledge about this than I do.

Good luck in your search!

01-21-2004, 09:10 AM
You could use a offline browser.

Offline Explorer Pro's one of the better programs that does this IMO. Here's (http://www.metaproducts.com/mp/mpProducts_CompetitiveChart.asp?id=2) a comparison table they've published.

One thing to note when using one of these programs is not to overload the site your downloading - there's usually an option to limit the amount of pages to download each connection.

Originally posted by Del
According to what I have read about it that is because top menus in most new sites contain in a flash file (.swf) and spider programs can not process flash binary files

Google and All The Web have no problem following links within SWF files as can the software mentioned above ;)

01-21-2004, 09:13 AM

I have sent you that because I read a message of yours about extracting links, so...

I appreciate your attencion anyway.

