View Full Version : Domain name including numbers!

07-14-2007, 09:04 PM
I'm starting a new ecommerce business and I was thinking of my domain be a combination of letters and numbers. However, I have noticed none of the successful websites in the world use any numbers in their domain. Does anybody have any idea why that is the case? Is there any disadvantages to using a number in the domain name from the business point of view?
Thank you very much, Bijan Shahrokhi

07-14-2007, 10:08 PM
Well, off the top of my head, here are a few, what I would consider "successful" sites that use numbers:


I'm sure there are thousands more.

Someone else would be better suited to answer you original question, but personally I don't see much wrong with them. They might be somewhat harder for people to remember, but not much I wouldn't think. Most of the successful sites in the world only use letters because they want the shortest, easiest, most memorable/brandable domain possible and numbers could screw that up.

07-15-2007, 09:31 AM
Hi deronsizemore,
Thanks for the reply. That's true but as I have looked at the top domains in the world, none of them include a number. That's why I'm curious. There might be a few successful sites with numbers but I don't see many of them around and I don't understand why. I mean if the owner of the site is willing to include a number like 1 or 5 or 100 to its domain name, it's not too hard to remember. but instead, he could use a lot shorter domain since most of the domains with numbers are available.
Any feedback is very appreciated.
Thank you very much, Bijan Shahrokhi

07-15-2007, 05:18 PM
I mean if the owner of the site is willing to include a number like 1 or 5 or 100 to its domain name, it's not too hard to remember.

Well, I think a lot depends on what the site is about. If your site is geared toward tech type people, a domain name with a number probably won't make a different because tech type people are more familiar with domain names, and can remember them easier it seems.

I deal with end users on a daily basis and a lot of them just are not experienced with computers or the internet and a domain with numbers would be harder for them to remember.