View Full Version : Acquired new domain ..Need some advice...

11-16-2006, 09:24 AM
I recently acquired a new domain with some pr and getting some natural traffic of around 200 uniques a day. The domain isnt great and i have an idea for the traffic its getting but im wondering whats my best option here. I was thinking of setting up a new domain with new content and 301ing everything over. I defiatenly dont want to keep the domain since it really isnt that great but love to take advantage of the pr and natural traffic.

11-16-2006, 12:53 PM
Well... what about sharing the domain? You've bought it, we can't steal it.

There is no such thing as a perfect redirect, especially in regards to new domains/domain transfers. Google is on the lookout for that type of thing.

So depending on how bad it is, and how much PR it has, I may consider building off of it.

11-16-2006, 04:45 PM
If you really don't want the domain... Build it up a little, get it generating some revenue, and then sell it on as a complete site. People like to buy sites that have some PR & traffic.

But if you're getting 200 uniques/day then I would probably just build on it, as getting a site off the ground is the main challenge these days. After it's rolling (as your site seems to be) things get easier and easier as time progresses.