View Full Version : Where is everyone at?

08-15-2006, 12:09 PM
Is it just me or is there just not many people posting here now? Seems a while back I couldn't keep up with all the posts, now it's like maybe a couple new posts a day?

Come back everyone!

08-15-2006, 01:41 PM
im still here deron, ive just been busy doing a "youtube" clone of sorts for one of my sites :P

08-15-2006, 01:53 PM
I check WSP every day, but I have been really busy so I haven't been posting.

08-15-2006, 02:05 PM
I check WSP every day, but I have been really busy so I haven't been posting.

Yah, what he said.

08-15-2006, 03:45 PM
Ah, sheeew. lol.

I guess WSP is back to is normal self of sorts. There for a while when everyone was boycotting Chris' ban from SP (or whatever it was about) and joining here, things were really crazy with new posts.

08-15-2006, 04:12 PM
Yeah, it's calmed down a lot here.

I think a lot of the hype has now shifted over to Jon's forum. But it's hardly surprising when he makes posts with screenshots showing daily revenue over $12k and then attributes it to a "little trial" that only cost him $200. At the end of the day, people go where they think the money is - which is fair enough.

But these forums are still packed with so much great info that doesn't get the attention it deserves because Chris doesn't do those flashy "look how much I'm earning" kind of posts. No offence Jon, by the way. But I have a lot of respect for the way Chris lays his sites bare and offers so much info on top of that. Haven't seen a single site of Jon's - which again is fair enough. But sometimes you wanna see what someone is capable of instead of just hearing about it all the time.

08-15-2006, 04:21 PM
Good post chromate. I am not much for gimmicks and this forum doesnt seem to have em. Its why its still the only webpub site I read daily.

I like the people here they seem pretty straight and Chris hasnt as of yet run any flakey promo contests which in fact are just schemes for making him more money. He also doesnt promise me secrets to untold wealth. So basically Chris and all the rest of you thanks for running a tight ship that doesnt insult my intelligence.

That said Chris if you want to give me the secrets of untold wealth please do so in a PM so I dont have to share it with these other bastards :P

I guess I am just tired of all the hype and gimmicks and since this site helped open my eyes to webpublishing I just like it here. That and to this day I have only ever seen one troll on these boards.

In closing I should probably add my comments are not directed at any one board but a whole whack of em that all promise to make people rich through stupid gimmicks, when in fact if you want to make some money you need 2 thing's. Common Sense and drive. I speak from experience. I had no money to start, I simply had common sense and drive.

08-15-2006, 04:25 PM
Yeah, it's calmed down a lot here.

I think a lot of the hype has now shifted over to Jon's forum. But it's hardly surprising when he makes posts with screenshots showing daily revenue over $12k and then attributes it to a "little trial" that only cost him $200. At the end of the day, people go where they think the money is - which is fair enough.

But these forums are still packed with so much great info that doesn't get the attention it deserves because Chris doesn't do those flashy "look how much I'm earning" kind of posts. No offence Jon, by the way. But I have a lot of respect for the way Chris lays his sites bare and offers so much info on top of that. Haven't seen a single site of Jon's - which again is fair enough. But sometimes you wanna see what someone is capable of instead of just hearing about it all the time.

I agree. I also would like to see a site or two. I can't imagine someone having as many sites as he has worrying about showing a couple or so. But hey, that's his thing and he's intitled to it do whatever he wants.

I also agree that Chris' has a gold mine of info here. I like how everything is kinda like a tutorial of sorts as far as telling you how to do something.

08-16-2006, 01:12 PM
I still check in every other day or so. I like to watch :)

Also, I'm about to move from the US to Belgium so have been swamped!

08-16-2006, 01:52 PM
I agree. I also would like to see a site or two. I can't imagine someone having as many sites as he has worrying about showing a couple or so. But hey, that's his thing and he's intitled to it do whatever he wants.

I also agree that Chris' has a gold mine of info here. I like how everything is kinda like a tutorial of sorts as far as telling you how to do something.
I like to write practical tutorials like that.

I personally get sick of "business theory" type articles I read at other places. Mostly fluff & buzzwords.

IMO the best articles are those that identify a problem & tell you exactly what you need to know to fix it.

08-16-2006, 05:18 PM
Mook-Jon has lots of greedy people wanting to learn how to make money, but keep in mind that he did it through porn during the dotcom boom. That wasn't very hard if you were in the righ time and the right place, and wanted to spend your time promoting porn. I don't see it as evidence of his business savvy.

It's like real estate - it's not so impressive to make 10 million a year in real estate when you start off with an easy 2 million. The fact that Chris doesn't show off his earnings and is a bit more transparent makes me think that he's more legit.

08-16-2006, 05:33 PM
I like to write practical tutorials like that.

I personally get sick of "business theory" type articles I read at other places. Mostly fluff & buzzwords.

IMO the best articles are those that identify a problem & tell you exactly what you need to know to fix it.

I agree whole heartedly Chris. I've not found better articles on how to do something than the ones I've found here. You're right...identify the problem, and tell you exactly how to fix it and what needs to be done. It seems alot of the "big guys" in the game don't like to do this as they come off as acting like everyone around them is lazy and they're not giving up their secrets, when correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure they learned from someone as I'm sure you did? I mean, a lot of it is trial and error, but not all, you had to have someone's tips to read, or how-to's or whatever right?

Maybe not and I'm just a lazy bastard wanting everything on a silver platter. lol :D

08-16-2006, 06:57 PM
Actually... no... I didn't really have anyone to learn from the way you all do.

If I had someone like me, or this site, 7 years ago I'd be retired by now. The lion's share of what I learned was through trial & error.

For instance something as simple as anchor text being important. I noticed a page of my site ranking extremely well of an extremely generic & competitive keyword, I deduced that it was likely because it was in my menu with that text as the anchor text. Google was still in it's infancy, the most common discussion about it wouldn't be SEO related it'd be like "You guy's try Google yet, it's really relevant." "Nah I use Lycos or Altavista." etc.

I did of course learn from others in regards to the technical things.

08-16-2006, 07:24 PM
Ah, well I stand corrected. I'm still glad people like you exsist to help the rest of us! :) Knowing that you did it through trial and error, it'd be very easy for you to tell us all to just use trial and error and figure it out ourselves.

08-16-2006, 08:00 PM
What Chris meant to say is he learned all he knows from me. honest! Seriously though great thread and very informative.

08-17-2006, 08:06 AM
I still check in from time to time, but the information on this site isn't as relevant to me right now as it was a few months ago. Nothing to do with the site itself, just the way my job's going. I'm sure that will change in the future though :)

08-18-2006, 08:55 AM
I still check in every day but I've been really busy and away on holiday for a couple of weeks at the end of July/beginning of August and haven't got fully caught up again yet.

I got bored of Wicked Fire pretty quickly when it started up, Jon's first contest that descended into farce and the surprise that a guy so many people held up as a web publishing guru was making his money by splogging and sticking up thousands of Wordpress blogs that just ripped people's RSS feeds didn't exactly do anything for my enthusiasm to hang around over there.

WSP is still the best for advice and practical info.

08-19-2006, 09:11 AM
blogs are great, but they are also the death of good content on the internet. So many people with money are using them to generate garbage doorway pages. Anyone remember the doorway pages of 8 years ago? that was the IN thing. I sure hope we see the blog empires die in the same fashion.

I agree WP is a great place to read. Not so much because of Chris, but because of the environment and the people. And that is not a slap at Chris. I am saying there is alot of good people here, Chris included. You can discuss things maturely and without the typical scam BS you see everywhere.

08-21-2006, 05:31 PM
I've just been in Hell. Back from the madness, though.

I can't stand places like WickedFire. They're just a bunch of people that have no idea what they're talking about spreading around old rubbish that's been circulating on webmaster forums for 6 years. It's because of this that I don't really gain any knowledge from them. There's just not enough people who know what they're talking about posting there, so you have to dig to get gold, whereas it's much easier elsewhere.

Blue Cat Buxton
08-23-2006, 12:16 PM
Ive been on holiday.

08-23-2006, 08:23 PM
This is the first forum I've ever joined. I like the fact that there's not millions of people posting BS on this forum, and with the limited number of posters it's easy for me to associate a personality with a screen name, so I'm not taking everyone's advice with the same size grain of salt. I found this forum through Chris' old SitePoint blogs, and I came here instead of to SitePoint forums or another source because it's a wide variety of qualified opinions yet still quite personal.