View Full Version : Fpu?!?

03-15-2006, 02:23 PM
This is bugging me, so I thought I'd ask.

The FPU is the Forum Posters and Owners Union.

Now a Union is typically a group of people with a common theme who unite to ensure they are treated better by the "higher ups" (ok so thats very basic)

Now the FPU is a union for Posters and Owners of Forums. So the common theme is they all particpiate in Forums.

Who are the "higher ups"? If it was just posters union then the higher ups would be Forum Owners, if it was just Forum Owners then that would be more of an industry group (cartel?!).

Because the two are combined it just doesnt make any sense to me, who are they uniting against?

03-16-2006, 05:38 AM
No idea. Seems a bit silly to me. Some people just like to be part of a group.

03-16-2006, 05:42 AM
They probably didn't think it through enough to find out the real reason why people form unions, I could be wrong though. I'm sure FPU can clarify it for us.

03-16-2006, 06:03 AM
FPU has been talked about by Anthony for years ~ I just never realised he'd gone and set it up...

03-16-2006, 07:41 AM
A union is exactly that, just like two people that live together are a union, forum posters and forum owners are bonded in a union together, one can't function without the other!

I formed this so people interested in the world of forums can exchange information about the forums they post on, in addition the forum covers news and issues that affect all participants, posters, forum owners, hosts, SEO's and programmers too!

It is also a place where people that love to post on forums can come to learn a bit about starting and managing their own forums, many who like to post on forums want to eventually run their own forums, so we give them an opportunity to learn forum management.

I myself have been a forum junkie for quite a while and have seen a lot of injustices and bad administration of most of the forums I have been on over the years and wanted to give the members an opportunity to discuss problems independently if they have been banned somewhere!

Members can come to www.forumpostersunion.com to discuss any forum related issue as long as they can document real problems they had backed up by threads so we can hear their side of the story in case they were banned and are pissed.

The forum owners can also show up to defend themselves should they wish and discuss the disputed issue!

We also offer a set of links directories where we list a lot of great forums, the link directories also give community members a focused place to comment on the listed sites in the directories complete with ratings where they can vote!


If any of you have forums that you would like to submit, please do and we will review them for addition!

This forum is listed in our Webmaster & SEO forums directory!


Feel free to leave a comment on Website Publisher Forums there too!

03-16-2006, 10:37 AM
Waste of time, I think. Lot's of unconstructive complaining from what I see.

03-16-2006, 10:46 AM

So we are to praise ****ty forums that abuse and rip off their members to keep you happy?

I guess bad administrators should never be exposed....... :eek:

03-16-2006, 12:17 PM
It just seems like this is about the lowest, least important cause that anyone could ever rally for. Instead of complaining (let alone organizing anything) why not just move on? A poorly run forum is fairly harmless, and nobody is really forced to be subjected to a bad admin - they can just leave the forum.

I don't understand the motivation. I think it's just one of those 'people who like to complain about some imaginary cause' type things. Waste of time, imo.

03-16-2006, 09:02 PM
So what, there are some people that don't like Led Zeppelin too, they are still the greatest rock band of all time!

We give good reviews on great forums and slam those that we think suck, it is real simple, just like any other critical viewpoints published in media worldwide, we are not asking you or anyone to like it, we have a market that wants this sort of intelligence, if you don't that is fine!

Let me worry about how I run my show, OK man! ?? :nod: :D

03-16-2006, 10:35 PM
Actually in theory it's a great idea--a way to check the forum admins who get out of control. A lot of forum admins let their minor success go to their heads; why not have a way to check them?

Now, how many forum posters would join a union? That's the difficult part.

But honestly, I think it's a good idea. And more than that--it's very imaginative and forward-thinking to imagine a time when one-posters have a voice.

03-16-2006, 11:24 PM
Believe me, forum members have more power than forum owners, there are not enough good members to go around today with millions of new forums online, we have a choice, we all can go to the best forums that respect our contributions!

I contribute to forums that give me the most benefit and treat me with respect, I think most posters think the same way!

03-18-2006, 11:40 AM
I tell ya.. keep watching the news boys.. Anthony will be the first Unibomber directed towards forum owners, like SPF.

03-18-2006, 12:16 PM
I tell ya.. keep watching the news boys.. Anthony will be the first Unibomber directed towards forum owners, like SPF.

Sitepoint is not the first or the last forum I will have issues with, they are the one's making bad administrative decisions toward their membership, they are the one's that need to provide answers to the charges raised against them!

I would say that the silence of the administrators to the charges I have brought up against them is condemning and they know it!

If you think that Sitepoint is not going to be discussed critically within the community and that we all should simply praise everything they do think again!

Sitepoint and other forums have a giant responsibility to their membership and to the community at large, if Sitepoint founders think they are going to manipulate the community to their own benefit, they can expect the attacks on their credibility to continue!

The community wants to see the founders of Sitepoint address this signature issue publicly and explain why they rob those who create content!

The authors of their threads have made Sitepont what they are today, I don't like the fact that they steal content without giving credit due back to those content creators!