View Full Version : not working!
03-13-2006, 09:42 PM
Only works! is a dead page right now!
Both the links you posted are coming up now Nintendo!
The site was down for an hour or so, maybe Chris will give us a report on what happened.....
03-13-2006, 10:04 PM
I get
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
at even after empting the cache!!
It is good to report these problems, thanks for following up!
03-13-2006, 11:04 PM
In a DP thread about this, one person said he can't access the site with or with out the www!
03-13-2006, 11:49 PM
There seems to be an issue with the nameservers which may affect some people:
03-14-2006, 08:15 AM
I had to move the site to a new server and I totally messed it up.
Lord Brar
03-14-2006, 08:19 AM
I had to move the site to a new server and I totally messed it up.
Another thing :: Your images have been uploaded in ASCII mode which has messed em up. Could you please re-upload them in binary mode? :)
03-14-2006, 08:34 AM
The problem was that my plan was to move the DNS to a neutral DNS, ev1's, during the transition. This would mean that no one would have to wait for new DNS servers, just Ev1's internal network. So instead of 48 hours it'd be 4 hours. But I had a brain fart and started it out resolving to the new server instead of the old (and nothing was yet on the new server) so this happened.
I had to move the site to a new server and I totally messed it up.
D'oh! :eek:
Well we're glad the site is back up.
Wow, and I thought Chris just banned my IP :rage:
Glad you are back up, glad I let Nintendo know about this, he is the forum circuit hound dog, he can sniff out any problems anywhere! :goof:
Wow, and I thought Chris just banned my IP
No reason for that. . . . Yet. ;)
You know how much I love you KLB :ladysman:
I just have to be on the lookout for future fantom moderators :alien: :eek: :)
You know how much I love you KLB :ladysman:
I just have to be on the lookout for future fantom moderators :alien: :eek: :)
"I wouldn't be so paranoid if everyone wasn't out to get me."
I sure am glad the site is back up, where would I get such interchange from if not from you KLB.......????
phan·tom also fan·tom Audio pronunciation of "fantom" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fntm)
1. Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition.
2. Something elusive or delusive.
2. An image that appears only in the mind; an illusion.
3. Something dreaded or despised.
1. Resembling, characteristic of, or being a phantom; illusive.
2. Fictitious; nonexistent: phantom employees on the payroll.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :cold:
Chris, please explain what is going on here, I thought you came in and deleted a bunch of posts as threads and posts were gone, my post count went from 149 to 129 or something and SEBasic's introduction thread was gone that he posted today and now it is back up!
Are you having problems with database tables or something ?????
03-14-2006, 05:25 PM
Its possible you were posting at the old server or something. Your DNS hadn't updated and so you were posting at the old server, meanwhile the DB had already been moved.
I haven't deleted anything.
Well everything came back, so I guess it is alright, it did seem strange and I was quite upset since I hate censorship, but it is all good I guess!
As far as what happened, you will have to tell me!
I understand that you moved the site to new servers and wish the forum the best and hope you get things straight.
Chris, can you tell me why when cutting and pasting this into my browser it gives an error when it is a valid URL ??
03-14-2006, 06:28 PM
That URL works for me!!! The DNS nameservers might still be propagating to the new server. With in 24 hours if not less it should be all back to normal.
OK, thanks Nintendo, this all has nearly driven me mad, maybe I should come back in a few days..... :eek:
I can imagine Chris has been pulling his hair out, so I guess I am not so bad off.... :eek:
Well everything came back, so I guess it is alright, it did seem strange and I was quite upset since I hate censorship, but it is all good I guess!
FPU, keep in mind that it can take up to 48 hours for all DNS servers to update. Due to the way DNS updates and requests work you could get the new server one time and the old server the next time.
As far as censorship goes, technically censorship is a government driven activity. If it is not government directed, then it is not censorship. When you go to someone else's website and post something, they bare the costs of storing and distributing your comments. If comments on a site run counter to the objectives of the site in question, the owner of that site is totally within their rights to remove said comments.
Freedom of speech isn't just the right to say what one wants, but also the right not to repeat or redistribute speach that one does not want to repeat. Trying to deny one the right to control comments that are posted on their own website is to deny that individual their rights. If someone wants to post comments that others do not want on their sites, then one needs to start their own website to post said comments.
I don't know Ken, but if you ask around a lot of webmasters with tell you that WMW is a censorship forum!
So there is censorship on forums, we all know that this is a fact, but we also don't have to support forums that engage in it, nor can we trust them to keep a good historical record since they have no editorial integrity!
FPU you have a lot to learn about what is and what is not censorship.
Just because someone claims something is censorship doesn't make it so. Censorship is an act by a government. Just because I delete some posts on my forums doesn't mean I'm censoring people, I am simply moderating the content I am willing to publish. I'm not stopping people from speaking their minds, they are still free to publish what they want, they just have to do it on somebody else's forum or create a website/forum of their own. Google blocking certain search results in China on the behest of the Chinese government is censorship. Google ignoring certain sites because the search algos think the site is not relevant is not censorship.
WMW is within their rights to delete any comments on their forums they so choose. If people don't like this, they are free to exercise their free speech rights on someone else's website. By deleting comments, WMW is not denying anyone their rights to free speech (which is what censorship is); they are simply choosing not to bare the costs of redistributing said speech.
A lot of people died to give people the right to free speech, as such the term censorship should not be thrown around lightly.
See definition for "censorship":
CENSORSHIP: broadly, any government restrictions on speech or writing; more precisely, government restrictions on forms of expression before they are disseminated.
See the word broadly Ken, that means in general, not limited to government, pre moderation as is done on WMW is censorship and they are acting as the forum government, so to keep you happy they are governing the conversation and this also means I have the right to discuss these idiotic tactics across the forum circuit as I do with Sitepoint's lunacy!
FPU, the definition still requires government intervention. Even by the most liberal definition of censorship moderating or deleting forum posts is not censorship because censorship requires the denial of one to be able to express their thoughts. WMW is not preventing people from expressing their thoughts because people do have the ability to publish their thoughts on their own website or on some other forum. Freedom of speech also means freedom from speech. If WMW does not want certain things posted on their site, they have the right to reject those things.
Again while using the term censorship may make for good rhetoric, it is disingenuous and an inappropriate use of the term. If you do not like WMW's practices, you are free to publish your ramblings on your own website if they won't let you do it on WMW.
03-15-2006, 10:03 AM
KLB, you're fighting a losing battle trying to argue with him...
But I guess you know that ;)
Aside from that, what is censorship called when it's not done by the government?
Or isn't there a word?
Ken, that is BS and you know it, because radio shows censor comments with a time delay and so do television and other media outlets!
From Webster's Dictionary: Censor definition 2 = A modern official who examines books and plays to suppress the publication of objectionable works
3 = One empowered to examine private correspondence and delete passages opposed to the public good
No mention of government in it all, just in passing in definition # 3
KLB, you're fighting a losing battle trying to argue with him...
But I guess you know that ;)
I like up hill challenges.
Aside from that, what is censorship called when it's not done by the government?
Or isn't there a word?
It all depends upon the context of the situation. In case of a forum, it is simply part of the moderation process. Some posts simply don't belong on some forums.
KLB likes to use the word editing since he does not like being called a censor!
:eek: :rage: :eek:
Ken, that is BS and you know it, because radio shows censor comments with a time delay and so do television and other media outlets!
The difference is that broadcast TV and radio are using publicly owned radio frequencies. Since they are gaining exclusive use of public property, they have to abide be government rules as to how those radio frequencies are used. This includes government mandated censorship requirements (e.g. broadcast delays to protect against unexpected wardrobe malfunctions). This can be considered censorship because it is government mandated or it results from government rules. This is totally unrelated to a forum owner removing content because they feel it is inappropriate for their forum.
Again, you may not like it, but Chris has the right as the owner of this forum and being the one who operates this forum to remove any post he does not like or close any thread that violates the policies he has laid out. This is not censorship and there is nothing wrong with this. If we don't like the way Chris moderates his forums, we do have the option to continue our conversations elsewhere. The same is true with WMW. To try and claim that WMW or any other forum operator is doing anything wrong when they moderate the content that is posted on a site is an attempt to deny those individuals their rights.
03-15-2006, 10:49 AM
I like up hill challenges.I'd see it more as vertical, y'know like walking into a brick wall.
I'd see it more as vertical, y'know like walking into a brick wall.
Ken there are more meanings to a word than one and you know it, some words have 25 definitions in an exhaustive dictionary!
There is no reason to continue arguments on the meaning of the word censor or censorship, we can all go look it up and find the true meaning and intent of the words!
If you like reading forums that have one sided bias views persevered while the opposing side gets censored that is your business, I choose not to contribute to those sorts of forums when I see it.
I am still here Ken and I have not seen Chris delete relevant posts yet or engage in banning people here, so I think the forum has a chance to grow!
Last night I was shocked to see posts and threads gone and did think that there could have been censorship of content going on, but as Chris did explain it was due to technical problems!
Why you get so upset over simple comments on this forum is beyond me?
One thing I will say about you Ken is that you are good for a forum in getting people to post and I wonder if it is deliberate on your part a lot!
Don't think that I am fooled on forum all that much Ken, I can read people on the dark side of the moon real good on a forum!
I'm not upset about anything; however, I do think you are using the term censorship in a totally inappropriate manner. Censorship indicates the silencing of a specific individual's or group of individual's voice in a repressive way. I think if you had grown up in a country that truly censored speech and there was no thing as freedom of speech you wouldn't be so quick to label the appropriate moderating of a forum as censorship.
All you are trying to do by using the term censorship on forum moderation is make it look like forum moderators that remove some posts are doing something evil. They are not, doing anything wrong and to claim it is censorship does a disservice to the term and to those who are truly subjected to censorship and repression of speech.
Well Ken, when threads are taken down and members are banned that is censorship and that is the silencing of a specific individual.
So we can keep this thing going, it is becoming a great thread thanks to you, like I said, you are good for a forum as far as keeping interest up, one of the best I have seen, almost as good as me Ken!
But this thread was started because this site was down, it has now taken a different direction and that is fine, I want to stress again though, that Chris did not censor anyone, it was a technical problem that caused the posts and threads to disappear and reappear, so I have no problems with Chris or the forum!
Thanks for the lively discussion as always Ken!
Well Ken, when threads are taken down and members are banned that is censorship and that is the silencing of a specific individual.
Not in the traditional sense of the meaning of the word censor because the individual can still speak their mind, just not on the site in question. Remember freedom of speech also means freedom from speech. If the owner of a site does not want to hear from a certain voice on their site, they are within their rights to exclude that voice from their site. There is nothing wrong with this.
A forum is in essence a type of club. All clubs have rules, some things are acceptable and some things are not acceptable in different clubs. If the rules of a club is that one can not be rude to other members of that club then one has to expect that they will be kicked out of the club if they are rude. If the rule is one can not discuss politics in the club than one has to expect to be kicked out of a club if they discuss politics in the club.
I have banned individuals from one of my forums because they weren't willing to abide by the rules. Is this censorship? No it is not. There were ground rules laid out for the right to participate in my forum and the individuals were not willing to abide by the rules. I am not silencing those individuals voices, as they can still go elsewhere to have their voices heard.
Chris doesn't allow political discussions to take place on these forums. This is not censorship. If I want to discuss political topics, there are plenty of forums that I could participate in and my voice would still be heard. It just happens that these forums are not the appropriate place to hold a political discussion as those discussions would taint other discussions and potentially subvert the purpose of these forums.
Ken, I agree with some of your statements for sure, but I think you miss mine a lot of the time, for example, my statement on future readers getting a one sided bias viewpoint molded and shaped by moderators!
When this happens, (as an example Webmaster World which uses pre moderation in their Google forum) a forum becomes one for propaganda and PR hype, not one for independent discussion that has editorial integrity on subjects with objective commentary!
Members joke about WMW all the time and insult them on this pre moderation policy, they have become a joke in the community as has SEO Chat and some other forums we know real well. :eek:
03-16-2006, 03:02 AM
EDIT: I didn't realize there was a page 2, and someone already said what I posted.
Ken, I agree with some of your statements for sure, but I think you miss mine a lot of the time, for example, my statement on future readers getting a one sided bias viewpoint molded and shaped by moderators!
This isn't necessarily bad, for instance Chris tries to steer these forums away from promoting black hat SEO practices. This type of moderation can improve the quality of the information provided on a forum. There are examples; however, where this kind of "molding" can all make a forum a less reliable source of information.
When this happens, (as an example Webmaster World which uses pre moderation in their Google forum) a forum becomes one for propaganda and PR hype, not one for independent discussion that has editorial integrity on subjects with objective commentary!
This is a very good point. It is also why I tend not to visit WMW very often even though I have an account there (not a paid subscription). I don't look at this as censorship as much as short sightedness. Taken to an extreme it can ruin the value of the forum and people will start to look for other sources for their information.
Most forum owners have some sort of objective for the forum's they host. SPF's objective was to help promote and sell their books and services. Hence no one ever promoted O'Reilly's books there even though those books are very good. What users must make sure to understand what the motivation of the forums they frequent are.
I don't think we should try to discourage forum owners from molding their forums they see fit, rather users should simply be smart enough to switch to forums that fit the mold they are looking for. One doesn't go to a Catholic church to learn about Budda.
Great post Ken, I agree with you 1000% on that one! :goof:
03-16-2006, 08:02 AM
My goal for this forum is to keep it professional and geared towards the owners of web businesses.
I think most of us enjoy this forum and what it offers Chris, you have done a great job with it, I look forward to big things here!
03-16-2006, 08:16 AM
I just have one more question.
What's that in your avatar Chris?
Neil Armstrong's footprint on the moon, Chris is spaced out SE.....
03-16-2006, 08:20 AM
Ahhhhhhh, now I see it...
The trips to the moon have provided us with some of the most interesting video and photos ever taken by mankind SE.
The New Guy
03-16-2006, 08:53 AM
The trips to the moon have provided us with some of the most interesting video and photos ever taken by mankind SE.
I am surprised someone like you would believe we ever went to the moon :p
03-16-2006, 09:08 AM
I chose my avatar because I think its inspirational. Its something very mundane, a footprint, but it is on an amazing place, the moon. Its supposed to make you think "Where will you leave your footprints?" or "What mark will you leave on the world?"
03-16-2006, 09:13 AM
Its supposed to make you think "Where will you leave your footprints?" or "What mark will you leave on the world?"It made me think "WTF is that?".
Now I know what it is it's pretty cool though ~ I don't think I've seen that image before.
I am surprised someone like you would believe we ever went to the moon Read the first page of this...
I am surprised someone like you would believe we ever went to the moon :p
I seen it happen live on TV when I was a kid, I am almost 50 years old in a few years! :eek2:
I went to a dinner for John Glenn and shook John Glenn's hand when I was a kid too!
PS: Looking back at that thread is great SE, a fantastic thread indeed, you old bloke you! :idea:
Thanks for posting it man! Looks like this thread is going to go on forever now and is quite a good one too!
03-21-2006, 01:56 PM
I chose my avatar because I think its inspirational. Its something very mundane, a footprint, but it is on an amazing place, the moon. Its supposed to make you think "Where will you leave your footprints?" or "What mark will you leave on the world?"
I once spent like 5 minutes looking at that avatar, until I came to the conlusion it must be some kind of fossil.
I once spent like 5 minutes looking at that avatar, until I came to the conlusion it must be some kind of fossil.
I can't believe how many people didn't know what Chris' avatar was. This is like one of the most famous and important foot prints of all time.
03-21-2006, 10:09 PM
People who don't know what it is will exist as long as it's not illegal not to watch TV and read newspapers. Even then, we'll probably just become outlaws :alien:
I can't believe how many people didn't know what Chris' avatar was. This is like one of the most famous and important foot prints of all time.
They are not old goats like we are Ken...... :lol: :lol:
PS: I am thinking you are my age Ken, I am in my late 40's now old man! :nod:
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