View Full Version : Marketplace

03-03-2006, 10:05 AM
Can you please split the marketplace into sub forums or something? So if i want to buy a website i can browse just websites?

I know SP has a similar thing going, but it has nothing to do with them it's just a logical thing to do...

03-03-2006, 11:08 AM
I could... but I don't think there is enough activity to warrant it. At this point, if I split it up like SP Does, there would only be a couple threads per month in each subforum. If the activity increases I absolutely will add subforums.

Also, just for clarification sake to all you new members. The Marketplace area is completely unmoderated. Since I do not have the time to police solicitations I found it easier to simply allow all solicitations so long as they're posted in that area. It seems to work, most people rather than spam the forums post a single post in that area.

03-03-2006, 01:59 PM
Are you sure you don't want a few minions who can dev null obvious spam and scams like the three that were just posted?

03-03-2006, 07:20 PM
I could... but I don't think there is enough activity to warrant it. At this point, if I split it up like SP Does, there would only be a couple threads per month in each subforum. If the activity increases I absolutely will add subforums.

Good point, it's just that i took a quick look & though agh, but looking at the threads dates now i agree...