View Full Version : Excellent Browser HomePage News Web Services

! search-engines-
12-28-2005, 05:12 PM
:) http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?query=seo+serps

Web services come in many forms - using the moreover feeds that are still on some web pages - you can take the

http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?query= and add some intruguing Search Terms that automatically update - and the final cherry on the ice cream - you can set this as browser homepage and get fascinating breaking news updates -

Here is the text Google News option with Titles and 100 default

:) http://news.google.com/news?svnum=10&as_scoring=r&ned=tus&ie=UTF-8&q=allintitle%3Agoogle+yahoo

Here is the Yahoo option

:) http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/search?ei=ISO-8859-1&va=google+yahoo&va_vt=title&vp=&vp_vt=any&vo=&vo_vt=any&ve=&ve_vt=any&datesort=&pub=&timeago=&smonth=11&sday=28&emonth=12&eday=28&source=&location=&catfilt=&fl=1&vl=lang_en&n=100