View Full Version : YPN - US impressions only

12-14-2005, 10:32 AM
I've been using YPN on my site for the past month or so with great results. I was just reading more closely through their terms and conditions, and saw that they require that none of the YPN ads be shown to non-US visitors.

I, and I suspect most publishers using YPN, wasn't aware of this and had simply put the ad code in my pages to be displayed to visitors from all countries. I called their customer service line to get more information. I got right through and they were very helpful. Here's what they told me:

--The YPN system does not do anything to filter which visitors will see the ads. They will be displayed to visitors from all countries unless the webmaster does something on their side to prevent them from being shown to non-US visitors. This is the webmaster's responsibility.

--When you log in to view your reports, the amounts for impressions, CPM, and earnings include clicks from all countries as if they were all US clicks.

--Before each check is cut, the clicks will all be audited, and you will recieve NOTHING for any non-US clicks. You will not get in any trouble or be kicked out of the network for showing YPN ads to non-US visitors, but if you have been showing YPN ads to non-US visitors this will result in your actual payment amount being less than what the YPN reports show for that month.

All in all, not a very good system. I suspect that many of the people (myself included) who have been so excited about their earnings through YPN will get an unpleasant surprise when that first check arrives.

I'm wondering now whether YPN really does perform better on my site than Adsense did, especially since Adsense will at least pay me something for my international visitors.

On the plus side, I'm extremely impressed with Yahoo's support. Calling in and getting right through to a very helpful live person is much better than waiting 3 days for a generic email response from Google.

Blue Cat Buxton
12-14-2005, 10:37 AM
Search feed have a similar restriction (or a min of 90% must be US impressions), I recall but they filtered out non US ip's. - That might have changed now but their technology took care of the filtering.

For small website owners to have to work some form of Geo-IP filtering seems unrealistic.

12-14-2005, 01:00 PM
Well we all know that most fraud comes from places outside the US.

But anyways... yes, its a bad system. If its just a beta thing though I can see why they're doing it, if they don't start paying for international people after making it public, well that could severely hurt them.

12-18-2005, 10:49 PM
YPN has been doing great on my sites, I will have to see how much they cut my payment. Maybe I will be showing more AdSense ads. I was looking at my logs and I;m getting a lot of traffic from overseas.

12-19-2005, 08:48 AM
Has anyone recieved their Yahoo checks yet? Would be bad if they got the same rep as Chiticka :D