View Full Version : Seeking Excellent Hosting Company

11-14-2005, 04:31 PM
Hi all,

Well it's time for me to change hosting companies again & I need a referral.

I have several things I need which I'll list right here & of course I need a company that doesn't have an issue with my sites... www.exoticpublishing.com or www.becomeanescort.com

Please e-mail me or PM me with "Potential Hosting Company" in the subject line.

Thanks so much & take care



Apache Server
dedicated IP
PHP (what version)
SSL - I have one
Stat program that I don't have to pay for. Would love Urchin, but I know it's rare.
Min. 25 domains
Min. 10-15 DBs
Min. 150 mailboxes
Min. 1 GB Disk usage
Min. 20 GB traffic
Anti Spam - which one? Spam Assasin does cause problems not allowing people on my whitelist to show up as regular e-mail
Auto responders
A panel that controls all my domains in one area - I'm used to HSphere, although I know CPanel is more popular (panel needs to have auto responders that can send out files/attachments, I need to be able to set up forwarding for e-mail so I can have a copy sent to me, can p/w protect certain folders on my server usually this is done thru File Manager, can add FTP users, domains & e-mails easily.)
Fantastico - isn't crucial
Great tech support that gets back asap (24/7), knows & understands the English language & their job.
Great customer service
No setup fee
Someone to move everything over for me

11-15-2005, 08:21 AM
Hi there,

A new client of ours, CHIhost is very reasonable. I don't want to violate the board rules so if you are interested, you can check them out from my sig. :)

Have a great day!

11-16-2005, 06:39 AM
Thanks Lisa, but they state their bandwidth is unmetered & I just learned that any good hosting company would never say that b/c it can't be true. They would go out of biz.

They also don't state the names of the software they use & they have a setup fee which I won't pay.

Take care :)


Hi there,

A new client of ours, CHIhost is very reasonable. I don't want to violate the board rules so if you are interested, you can check them out from my sig. :)

Have a great day!

11-16-2005, 06:45 AM
that is not true at all exotic. Unmetered does not make for a poor host. Whoever gave you that info doesnt know what they are talking about. However if its less then $1,000 a month you better read the very fine print. It will be one of those "un-metered at hosts discretion"

11-16-2005, 07:13 AM
If what is less than $1,000 per month? The bandwidth? I think I'm confused LOL

that is not true at all exotic. Unmetered does not make for a poor host. Whoever gave you that info doesnt know what they are talking about. However if its less then $1,000 a month you better read the very fine print. It will be one of those "un-metered at hosts discretion"

11-16-2005, 07:33 AM
hehe. What i mean is if you have a $6.00 package that says UNLIMITED bandwith then yeah that is a bit fishy. Take example my site. If I put it on a $6.00 account they would ask me to leave after 1 day because of all my bandwith.

If its less the $1k for truly un-metered bandwith on a good pipe I would be questioning it. But if anyone wants to dispuate and give me unmetered for a cheap price im not gonna complain :)

11-16-2005, 08:36 AM
As Emancipator says, there is a big distinction between UNLIMITED and UNMETERED.

No company can truly offer UNLIMITED anything. Those that try end up either having to cut off the customers who actually try to take advantage and use too much, or going out of business.

UNMETERED is more doable. It's sometimes offered with dedicated server plans. For instance, for one of my sites I have a server on an unmetered bandwidth plan. I have a connection capped at a certain transfer speed, but I can use that connection to transfer as much data as I want without being charged extra based on the usage. My usage is UNMETERED, but I am LIMITED by my connection speed. For example, if my connection were capped at a transfer speed of 10mbps, then even if I sent a full 10mbps of data 24/7 all month, the maximum amount of transfer I could do would be around 3000 GB for the month.

Anyway, if your site needs only 20 GB of transfer per month, then you don't need to worry about any of this yet. I'd recommend that you find a hosting company with a good rep that does NOT offer unlimited bandwidth and you'll be fine.

11-16-2005, 09:14 AM
Ok, you all got too technical for me.

My biggest usage is disk usage & not traffic, although I know one day that will change & by that time I will get my own server.

Thanks for trying to teach me anyway :)


11-16-2005, 09:47 AM
No problem. :) The bottom line is just find a reputable host that offers you 20 GB of transfer and doesn't claim to offer unlimited bandwidth.

Once you've narrowed the field down to a few prospects the forum at www.webhostingtalk.com is a great place to search through to find good and bad testimonials about different hosts.

Good luck!

11-16-2005, 01:05 PM
Try Nexcess, I host with em, great people and they dont screw around with any BS small print.