View Full Version : How much would you sell your websites for?

06-19-2005, 12:59 PM
Over the past year I have managed to get contacts with some of the top guys in the domain name business (buying & selling.)

Right now type-in domains names are valued at a premium -- some of these things are selling for 5,6, or even 7 years earnings (which is nothing compared to the stock market :p )

I believe developed websites are seriously undervalued today.

I'm working on a little project right now involving developed websites with traffic. If you have any websites you would be interested in selling please just send me a PM. If you know anyone who wants to sell any sites get them in contact with me.

Send me anything; you really can't price your site too high. If you have a site that is making you $50,000 a year it may damn well be worth $250,000 to a domain investor -- and these guys do have the money.

Maybe your site only brings in $5 a day. Send me a PM anyways -- tons of sites are getting bought and sold for a few hundred or a few thousnds dollars every day.

I know there is a lot of risk involved when your site relies on search engine traffic. I've been working on a few techniques with my own sites to get visitors to come back & diversify traffic streams.

06-19-2005, 05:27 PM
If you want to know more about domaining (selling domains for a living), join DNForum.com, it's a great place to learn.

06-19-2005, 05:42 PM
I read dnforum and domainstate. Unfortunately most of what is being sold on there are turnkey sites with no traffic.

What I'm offering is helping you get noticed by the guys who spend millions on domains.