View Full Version : Experiences with sunshade and windshield mounted RDs?

04-27-2023, 01:01 AM
Hey all,

With the heat ramping up this summer I think its finally time I buy a sunshade for my car. I have 35% tint all around my car, windshield is 70%. Unfortunately its not ceramic, but I don't really feel like paying to get tint redone. I have an R7 mounted high near my window visor which I have hardwired and I really do like it. When I came back from Waterfest last weekend to my car, it was BLAZING hot. The shift knob I have is metal and i've gone a summer and a winter with it no complaints until it nearly burned my hand and I had to snag a beer coozie that my friend got from a vendor to put over it for the ride home.
Only problem is I have a feeling it will interfere with sunshades, maybe. I'm sure a sunshade also will be annoying for those who keep their RDs center mounted. I won't go to a mirror mount, I don't like having it in my center field of view while driving. Theres always the option to unplug and move out the detector every time I wanna put the sunshade up, but the suction cups will still be there.

Anyone have a sunshade? did you cut holes in it to keep your detector able to be posted up, or did it not interfere? I know this is a ridiculous question but it is so damn hot. Black interior dark gray car, 110 heat index, tints definitely made sure I didn't boil alive but it is BRUTAL. I went to uni for 4 years in the freezing cold too, so i'm acclimated to that.

04-27-2023, 02:02 AM
I actually just recently purchased a set of sunshades from https://snapshades.com/ for my car, and I've been really happy with them. They're custom-made to fit your specific car model and block out the sun really well.
In terms of your radar detector, I'm not sure how it would interact with the sunshade, but it's definitely worth looking into. You could try cutting a small hole in the sunshade where you mount the detector to avoid any interference.