View Full Version : How to achieve outcome independence for hair loss?

07-04-2022, 01:30 AM
Saying that this wiki and HBP have given me my life back is an understatement. Thank you all who have contributed to this wiki and forum. I was able to heal my back pain and many symptom imperatives like knee and heel pain that followed. So, now, I have a reached a state where if a random pain shows up out of the blue, I can easily build a case for it being TMS.

However, since February this year, I noticed, my hair becoming less dense and started noticing bigger scalp gaps. I chalked it out to being due a new shampoo that I had started using since Nov 2019. So, I switched back to my old shampoo but am continuing to significant amount of hair in the shower. Now, my hair density is lesser than half of what it used to be earlier. My PCP made me get a lot of blood tests done and found low ferritin and Vitamin D and prescribed supplements. I have been taking these for 2 months now continue to lose hair.

Also, I always used to eat healthy but now am eating extra healthy with green salads, fruits, nuts and seeds every day. So, I don't feel strongly that this could be due to poor nutrition. I feel like this is TMS coming back in another form. But this time its an externally visible symptom and is affecting my self confidence a lot. Also, I am unable to build a strong case for TMS for this symptom. Usually with pain, it moved around between days or it would disappear when I would be deeply distracted either while working or while hanging with friends. So, I could clearly tell my brain that there is nothing physically wrong with me since the pain was able to go away for a while and kept moving. So I continued to build a case like this and achieve outcome independence and eventually become pain free. However, with hair loss, I am unable to build such a positive feedback loop since the hair cannot come back all at once overnight when am distracted from obsessing over my hair. Pain can be ignored for a longer time I believe. But I can feel my hair being so sparse every time I look in the mirror or feel its weight on my shoulder. It's almost impossible for me to go for longer than a few mins without noticing this:( I feel like this time TMS has really chosen a symptom I cannot ignore since it deals with body image and I feel I do attach a lot of self-worth to body image

07-06-2022, 03:46 AM
Supplements and vitamins are the solution.

07-06-2022, 03:47 AM
Thanks for distributing important vitamins and minerals for hair, skin, and nail health. But everyone's mistake is that people start taking all these vitamins and minerals only when they have problems with their hair, skin, or nails. But that's wrong. When you have a problem like this, these vitamins and minerals will not help you eliminate it. Taking these vitamins helps you prevent such problems but not solve them. I had big hair problems. I never took vitamins and supplements, but I started taking them when I discovered my hair was falling out. I took them to fix my problem so my hair wouldn't fall out, but at such a late moment, those supplements didn't help me anymore, and I came to the only solution, which was a hair transplant at https://maps.app.goo.gl/HorMNmR1u8hdzDCA9.