View Full Version : Vaping vs Smoking

04-12-2022, 01:56 AM
Vaping vs Smoking: Which one is harmful to us and How?

04-12-2022, 07:43 AM
Scientists have solved this problem a long time ago through experimental research. They proved that cigarettes contain more toxic substances that poison the human body than electronic cigarettes. In addition, e-cigarettes are just steam, comparable to the inhalation of various medications, while cigarettes produce smoke. For those who like to smoke ordinary cigarettes, various liquids for vaping with menthol and the smell of cigarettes were invented. For example, I have seen such in this store http://thevapecig.co.uk , which specializes in the sale of liquid for electronic cigarettes. I am sure that many other stores sell similar liquids for smokers to help them quit this harmful business.