View Full Version : Symptoms after covid

02-27-2022, 09:58 AM
Thankfully I had a relatively mild infection.

However close to the end of the week 2 day 12 of symptoms onset I noticed i started to get fatigued just from walking my dog.

I returned to work on day 15 December 3rd and I definitely had some brain fog and I was exhausted after work like I had to take a nap as soon as I got home. Fhe brain fog seems to be gone from what i can tell.

Over symptoms ive noticed are headaches
Muscle/joint aches
Chest pain, tightness
Feel short of breath at times.
Some gi issues like stomach pain.
Still have a lingering cough and plehm build up.

02-27-2022, 10:09 AM
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Covid is a dangerous and painful disease. My mother also was infected. She spent two weeks in the hospital under medical observation. She had problems breathing. Her blood didn't have enough retrofits and leucocytes. It was devastating. She went through a strong https://www.niclosam.com/ treatment, and it helped her. But she still takes tension and heart pills. I ask all of you to stay safe. Covid is real, and having it is not funny. I'm happy you feel better now.