View Full Version : What is Facebook referral traffic?

02-18-2021, 01:21 AM
Hello friends,

What is Facebook referral traffic?

02-19-2021, 10:15 PM
By default, Google Analytics sees people coming to your website from Facebook as a referral, which is an inbound link from another website. This is the case for people finding your content on the Facebook app and the Facebook website.

02-22-2021, 10:51 PM
When someone clicks a link on a website or social network and is then taken to another site, Google Analytics counts that visitor as referral traffic.

02-23-2021, 11:07 PM
Social traffic refers to traffic coming to your website, mobile site or mobile app from social networks and social media platforms. For example, a person who clicks on a tweet or a Facebook post and then arrives on your brand's website will be counted in your digital analytics reports as social traffic