View Full Version : Need security for my store

05-31-2020, 08:19 AM

I'm here to get suggestions from all of you. I plan to open a retail store with branded cosmetics and beauty products. But it may be my bad luck, my shop is located in a place subject to burglary attacks. I chose this place because it is quite close to my home. Also on the last day, an invasion took place there. Thus, all merchants implement several security measures for their stores. I am also thinking of installing security measures. I researched several options online and inquired of my friends and family. I saw a website that offers corporate security services (https://optimumsecurity.ca/services/). They have the services of public security officers who patrol the premises and can detain intruders in this area. I think it could be effective because it can also help all other store owners. I plan to speak to them. Before that, I would love to have ideas and suggestions from all of you. Are there other security measures I can take?

Please share your thoughts suggestions.