View Full Version : What causes a high bounce rate?

05-25-2020, 05:38 AM
Hello friends,

What causes a high bounce rate?

05-26-2020, 03:05 AM
There can be several reasons for high bounce rate. Some are:

- Irrelevant content
- Irrelevant images
- Too many links

05-26-2020, 10:45 PM
page loading time can be the first and then irrelevancy.

06-03-2020, 07:54 AM
Some of the primary reasons why a website has a high bounce rate are:

Bad layout and design
Lots of broken links
Low-quality content (poor grammar, spelling mistakes, lacks substance)
Slow page load times
Intrusive advertisements (pop-ups)

06-08-2020, 02:57 AM
-The Page Isn’t Mobile-Friendly
-Bad or Obnoxious UX
-Low-Quality or Under Optimized Content
-Bad Link from Another Website
-Blank Page or Technical Error
-Misleading Title Tag and/or Meta Description
-Disproportional Contribution by a Few Pages
-Slow-to-Load Page