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05-15-2020, 12:08 AM
Why is Title Tag on Website valuable?

05-15-2020, 05:04 AM
Title tags are important because they let readers know what information will be present when a user clicks on a page. They are important for the search engines for the same reason, except they also function to determine the relevancy of the web page as a result in a search query.

05-17-2020, 09:47 PM
Hi Friends,
Title tags are most important ranking factors in SEO because it gives the overview of your brand. When a user search for a particular query on search engine, after the result the first thing that he will check is the title of the page whether it’ll match to his query or not. So you should add a proper title to your website. Apart from that you can add your main keyword in the title.

It is a part of meta tags that we are implementing on the website to make it search engine friendly. There Should be only 65 characters in a title tag. Title tag is equally important for both SEO

05-23-2020, 01:53 AM
Title tags help the search engine understand what your page is about and it is the first impression among your audience. The title is the 1st chance to grab the eye of potential customers and stand excluding the competition.

WN Infotech
05-25-2020, 04:57 AM
In SEO the title tag is very important it is highly recommended to include a unique title that exactly tells about the contents site on a page.

Title tags are most important ranking factors in SEO. Search engines searches the user query(keywords) in their title tag, then display results according to it. ... Title tag is important because it defines the purpose of the website and this allow user to check relevancy of the webpage.

05-26-2020, 03:03 AM
Title tag is the title of a website that is defined in the webpage source. The title defines the content of your website and helps browsers and robots to know about your webpage content. This title is also used to display against your website in search engines.