View Full Version : how do I track my SEO efforts.....?

10-06-2019, 11:20 PM
how do I track my SEO efforts.....?

10-07-2019, 01:30 AM
Use Google Analytics to Track Top Metrics. ...
Track Your Rankings for Specific Keyword Phrases. ...
Find What Percentage of Traffic is From Organic Search. ...
Track Behavior Flow. ...
Analyze Your Lowest Organic Traffic Earners. ...
Track Conversions.

10-07-2019, 09:53 PM
The progressive traffic, keyword ranking positions in SERPs, conversions & more are the common factors which determine whether your SEO efforts are effective or not

nikki shah
10-08-2019, 09:55 PM
Use Google Analytics to Track Top Metrics. ...
Track Your Rankings for Specific Keyword Phrases. ...
Find What Percentage of Traffic is From Organic Search. ...
Track Behavior Flow. ...
Analyze Your Lowest Organic Traffic Earners. ...
Track Conversions.

Did you forgot to remove the dots during copy-paste from google?

10-09-2019, 12:27 AM
By analyzing following things you can track your SEO efforts
-Organic traffic
-Search rankings
-Search visibility
-Analyze backlinks
-Organic CTR
-Branded traffic
-Bounce rate
-Average session duration