View Full Version : What is the Deference between blog, article & press release posting?

09-23-2019, 02:52 AM
What is the Deference between blog, article & press release posting?

09-23-2019, 03:30 AM
An article is a formal and informative content often written in third or second person.

A blog is a personal narrative of your own opinions and experience or knowledge. It is often first person and casual in tone.

A press release is a news bulletin sort of content. Often to announce something and mostly formal.

09-23-2019, 11:43 PM
A press release is something submitted to an editor by someone from outside the news organization in hopes that it will be used in that editor's publication.

The word "article" has several meanings, but in this context I presume you mean a news item written by a journalist.

A blog is a website, which may or may not contain news articles.

09-25-2019, 09:25 PM
An article is a written work published in a print or electronic medium. It may be for the purpose of propagating news, research results, academic analysis or debate

A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and passions.

A press release is a short, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media.

09-25-2019, 10:50 PM
What is the Deference between blog, article & press release posting?

You must have attempted all of them at least once, can you not define them at least once?