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09-11-2019, 04:07 AM
Difference between keyword & keyword phrase?

09-11-2019, 11:00 PM
Keyword-A keyword is essentially any word or phrase you use when searching with a search engine.” In a simple language, any single word related to your business, product/services which can be useful for your business. eg. ... Keyword Phrase- Combination of those keywords is called key phrase.

09-12-2019, 04:47 AM
Difference between keyword & keyword phrase?

09-12-2019, 09:25 PM
The keyword term is basically concerned with a one-word term, on the other hand a keyword phrase considered as employment of two or more word-combinations.

09-16-2019, 02:08 AM
Keyword-A keyword is essentially any word or phrase you use when searching with a search engine.”

Keyword Phrase- Combination of those keywords is called key phrase

09-17-2019, 11:40 PM
A keyword phrase is generally two or more words that are used by advertisers in search engine optimization, or by visitors who are using search engines in a desire to find information based on that particular phrase.