View Full Version : What is Visual Search..?

08-08-2019, 02:03 AM
What is Visual Search..?

08-08-2019, 02:07 AM
Visual search is a type of perceptual task requiring attention that typically involves an active scan of the visual environment for a particular object or feature (the target) among other objects or features (the distractors). Visual search can take place with or without eye movements.

08-08-2019, 02:47 AM
Visual search is a tool which helps users identify any item by just taking its picture. ... Modern visual search engines achieve very high accuracy on given task and are also able to identify different items in single image and search them accordingly.

08-08-2019, 05:37 AM
Visual search is a type of perceptual task requiring attention that typically involves an active scan of the visual environment for a particular object or feature among other objects or features. Visual search can take place with or without eye movements.

08-08-2019, 06:24 AM
Visual search is a type of perceptual task requiring attention that typically involves an active scan of the visual environment for a particular object or feature among other objects or features. Visual search can take place with or without eye movements.