View Full Version : What is considered as more significant, creating content or building backlinks?

07-27-2019, 04:12 AM
What is considered as more significant, creating content or building backlinks?

07-28-2019, 08:51 PM
I would give more points to the content over the backlinks. Without the content, how can you get the backlinks? The prime thing to do, in order to rank your website in the searches, you must update your website with good content regularly, in the form of blogs and articles, and when you have got enough content on your website (though content cannot be enough ever) you can start working for the backlinks. Backlinks are best for getting the traffic on your website, but if you don’t have good content on it, you can’t get the right traffic, too

07-28-2019, 08:52 PM
I would give more points to the content over the backlinks. Without the content, how can you get the backlinks? The prime thing to do, in order to rank your website in the searches, you must update your website with good content regularly, in the form of blogs and articles, and when you have got enough content on your website (though content cannot be enough ever) you can start working for the backlinks. Backlinks are best for getting the traffic on your website, but if you don�t have good content on it, you can�t get the right traffic, too

07-28-2019, 09:35 PM
Content is more valuable then backlink because it will give value to your website and with the help of content a user can know about you and your business.

07-28-2019, 10:31 PM
Both are necessary, creating quality content is equally important to building backlinks. Although,building backlinks are useful in building authority to a site and for ranking as well, quality content is the first element that is considered to be more responsible for ranking.

07-28-2019, 11:26 PM
Both content and backlinks are equally important for your website and helps to rank webpages higher in search engine pages.

08-02-2019, 05:44 AM
Both are important for your SEO. you have to work on both factor to rank your website.