View Full Version : What are outbound Links?

03-26-2019, 09:04 PM
What are outbound Links?

03-26-2019, 10:23 PM
Outbound links are links that are meant to take you elsewhere. These are links that are going to direct you to another specific webpage or website altogether.

03-26-2019, 11:00 PM
Outbound links are links that point to some other domain from your site.

03-27-2019, 12:30 AM
Outbound Links:- Any Link on a website that links to another webpage or website. It is also known as external links.
There are two kinds of outbound links
1) Dofollow links:- A Do-Follow Link, as the name suggests, allows Google link calculator called PageRank to count all the inbound links from other web pages and websites as link points. The higher the link juice or link points are, the greater would be the search ranking of that web page, as these links make the web page appear very relevant and popular to the Google search engines.

2) Nofollow links:- A No-Follow link is exactly the opposite of a Do-Follow link as such the link attributes do not allow the Google bots to follow them. These links cannot be followed by robots; only humans can do it.

03-31-2019, 11:23 PM
Outbound links are those that point to external domains from your webpages. These links take away link juice and traffic from your website to external domains.