View Full Version : Switched to a mac and definitely worth it

02-23-2010, 09:52 AM
Window vista blows and microsoft wanted like 150 to upgrade to windows 7.

So i bought a mac mini for 699 with upgraded ram to 4GB. I've never used a mac in my life and the first hour it was quite confusing but after 3-5 hours and a couple videos you feel it has changed your life.

If you add my dual 24 inch dells its the perfect workstation


The biggest reason for my move is to work on better project management.

Im not a fan of clutter and mac really emphasizes simple spaces.

They have a ton of great applications not free but really really useful

I downloaded Omnioutliner and Things

Omnioutliner is great it allows you to create a mockup of website and automatically converts it to pdf and html. While its not web ready its really useful to handoff to the designer and programmers so they can see what your trying to acheive.

This is a very valuable tool since you can create workflows and design notes much faster and easier without any coding knowledge.

I outsource everything in every project i create so this is going to save me alot of time and money since i spend at least 25% of my time redoing some of the tasks.

The main reason for the switch for me was regarding the vista constant crashes as well as a new project im launching. I needed something to organize my multiple step prelaunch and launch steps.

The applications were a big kicker for me and knowing i dont have to deel with viruses and bugs as much.


So if you got the extra bucks i recommend making the move.