View Full Version : WHMreseller : Orig & Best! Let your Resellers resell WHM, Backup & Migrate!

11-18-2009, 01:52 AM
We have just released the NEW version of WHMreseller, version 3.3. This new release offers some new and exciting features, along with added security and stability. We have completely converted the old C code (3.2) now to C++ (3.3).

Join the growing group of Master Reseller Web Hosts that have started offering their clients the latest in Reseller Control. Offer your Resellers the chance to UPGRADE to MASTER RESELLER status and start creating their own WHM control panels. Not only that but they will also be able to backup & migrate accounts and a whole lot more. Full Feature List:


Safe Single Level of Reselling
cPanel 11 compatible
Automated Free Upgrades
Sale Price AU$39.95/y (approx US$35/y) per License (one License per server)


Grant Master Reseller Rights to your Resellers
AutoGrant function to automatically Grant MR Rights
Fully Control MR Quotas, Bandwidth, and features
MR Editing, IP Delegation and Licensing control (move servers)
Migrate Entire MR accounts between servers using root or MR password


Create/Delete/Suspend Sub Resellers (WHM accounts)
Create/Delete/Suspend Sub Reseller cPanel accounts
Edit Sub Reseller Resource/Number/PreAssigned Package Limiting
Modify cPanel Account Domain names, IP's, Quotas, Bandwidth
Unlimited limits Option (if activated by root user)
Upgrade/Downgrade and move accounts between Sub Resellers
Migrate Entire Reseller Accounts and cPanel Accts
Immediate Backup Generation/Restore and weekly FTP Backup cron

Sale Price AU$39.95/y or AU$5.95/m per License (one License per server)

For more information and screen shots see http://deasoft.com/software.php