View Full Version : internal linking structure

02-29-2004, 05:26 PM
if i linked

like this

picture.html vs http://www.website.com/picture.html ?

does it make any difference in backlinks ?

ive done some backlinks searches for certain sites and i see some people have there own pages as backlinks

02-29-2004, 05:53 PM
From my experience, no. It doesn't matter. As long as the picture.html actually points to http://www.website.com/picture.html, then you should be fine.

I've got a question about internal linking myself.

If I have 8 sites, 4 on one server, and 4 on another with a different C class IP, how would this structure work:

A --> W --> B --> X --> C --> Y --> D --> Z --> A

Basically it just goes down the line linking sites to alternate servers.

What about this one:

A points to B&W
B points to C&X
C points to D&Y
D points to A&Z
W points to X&A
X points to Y&B
Y points to Z&C
Z points to WD

Any ideas? All 8 of these sites are extremely relevant to each other, but they are basically replicas of each other. 4 are original, and the other 4 are basically the same as the other 4 except that they are presented in a different format.

03-01-2004, 02:51 PM
Using the full absolute link is better. Less chance of a spider or a browser messing up (it can happen).

Its the difference between saying "Go to the store next to the car dealership" and "Go to the store ad 897 Main St."

03-01-2004, 03:21 PM
I agree with chris. Also it makes it easier if you need to put a file in a different folder, as you won't have to change all the links.

03-05-2004, 08:33 PM
Concurr as well, absolute links are far better than relevant links. Chris explained it very well. It leaves no room for mis-interpretation of the site links, they are explicit.