View Full Version : !!! URGENT HELP NEEDED !!! I want to build local advertising website with my partner

08-03-2008, 02:04 PM
Hi, I am Debjyoti Roy form Kolkata,India.I am a student of 1st Year BSc.

I want to build a small local advertising website with my partner,like an encyclopedia of our local locality.Is the idea good or bad ???

Where from I will buy the domain ? How much it cost with .com and 2gb space ?

Some site want Rs. 6000/year some want only Rs. 699/year with same web space.....:eek:

After buying the domain is there any legal process before the site launch in the web ????? Should I need govt or any permission

Tell me abt the legal process for building the 50-50 partnership .....

Thanks in advance

08-03-2008, 02:07 PM
Most of what you're looking for is Indian law advice, which you'll not find here.

Domains can be gotten for around $9 USD, and hosting for $5 USD per month. In most countries you need to do little after that legally, and with the prevalence of Indian run sites, I would imagine you don't need to do anything.

08-18-2008, 03:47 AM
my recommendation is free web hosting for starters, as for partnership laws, if you cant trust the person your working with just do it on your own, doesnt sound hard, you will need to compile information though that is continually updated. mostly local governments and telecommunications services such as white pages have the most upto date info, you need to access this database on a continuing basis to ensure you dont get negative feedback, also get sponsorship by businesses to post thier unique ads to your site, and call them first in a search, hope that inspires you on your venture, its a good idea and would work well in an area that has high level of internet use per person in area, otherwise its a waste of time.. i had the same idea myself, first thing you should do is approach your council for a business directory listing, you need to have an understanding of databases for search too, Do you have these skills in My SQL or any Php experience if not move on now, until you do.