Bing to Power Yahoo Next Week

August 17th, 2010 by Chris

I just got an email from Microsoft informing me that Yahoo’s search engine is going down next week, to be replaced with search powered by Microsoft’s Bing, as announced in a deal long ago.

The changes will finally be live.

I for one am ecstatic.

Yahoo has always provided subpar results for me, my sites do not rank nearly as well. Their directory has also failed in usefulness, and it is their own fault for devaluing it. Their crawler, Slurp, is also annoying.

Just as one example, on Google and Bing I am #2 for william shakespeare, second only to wikipedia, I actually was #1 before wikipedia went to nofollow (I had 1500 links from wikipedia, it was good). I’ve been ranked this well for years and am well established. On Yahoo? I’m #9.

This pattern is true over all of my search results. Yahoo is always about a page behind, at least. I overall find Yahoo algorithm to reward spammy links more, which is something I don’t generally engage in. There is not a single listing on any site of mine that I track that I do better in Yahoo than in Google or MSN.

So I’ll hopefully have Slurp sucking down less resources, and get more traffic from Yahoo at the same time. This is good. Soon Yahoo’s horrible search marketing program will die as well, also good. I’ve already posted previously why Yahoo is the worst company on the Internet, and I firmly believe it. I will have to have a little celebration tonight to ring in the demise of their search index.

2 Responses to “Bing to Power Yahoo Next Week”

  1. Douglas Watkins  Says:

    I prefer Bing over any other search engine

  2. Karen Mae Farro  Says:

    Bing is next to Google when it comes to rank but very far behind… Google all my concerns into action and so far I am not shifting to any other search engine. I just hope they can be able to maintain their services or even improve more.

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