August, 2007

Below are links to articles posted in August, 2007

What to Blog About?

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I’ve had a hard time recently thinking of things to blog about. I’ve never been a “diary-type” blogger where I simply summarize my daily activities or post little personal tidbits, rather I’ve always been a more educational type blogger, taking inspiration from my daily activities or business dealings to construct longer educational posts. What I […]

An Endorsement by Google of Cross-linking

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In this recent Google blog post they mention that it is okay to cross link multiple sites you own so long as they are related in topic (the links appear organic), and that you merely want to avoid cross linking dozens or hundreds of unrelated sites in your footer. This seems to be in agreement […]

Been Getting Hosting Company Forum Spam

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Over the last couple months seemingly innocent posts have been appeared in the Website Publisher Forums that taken individually would look normal, but as a group they are very suspicious. One new member would first post in the introduction folder, and then in the web hosting reviews area (the right forum, so they aren’t dumb […]

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